Quantum Mechanics meets Fluid Dynamics: Direct Visualization of Vortex Reconnections in Superfluid Helium

RLM 14.318
Matthew Paoletti
Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics, University of Maryland
Quantum Mechanics meets Fluid Dynamics: Direct Visualization of Vortex Reconnections in Superfluid Helium
Significant questions regarding turbulence in quantum fluids, such 
as superfluid helium, remain unanswered owing to the inability to 
directly probe the local velocity in a manner quite common in the study 
of classical fluid turbulence.  Using a novel visualization technique to 
measure the local velocity field, we  are able to characterize 
fundamental processes in turbulent superfluid helium. A mixture of 
hydrogen and helium gas is directly injected into the bulk of the fluid, 
which produces micron-sized tracer particles that are individually 
tracked.  We demonstrate the two-fluid nature of superfluid helium and 
make the first observation of  individual reconnection events, and we 
compare the local velocity statistics with predictions for turbulent 
quantum fluids.