Katja Taute
ktaute at chaos.utexas.edu
Office: 14.214
Research Interests

- Rongxin Huang, Isaac Chavez, Katja M. Taute, Branimir Lukic, Sylvia Jeney, Mark G. Raizen, Ernst-Ludwig Florin. “Direct observation of the full transition from ballistic to diffusive Brownian motion in a liquid”. Nature Physics, accepted.
- Katja M. Taute, Francesco Pampaloni, Ernst-Ludwig Florin. “Extracting the mechanical properties of microtubules from thermal fluctuation measurements on an attached tracer particle”. Methods in Cell Biology 95, Chapter 30, pp 601-615, 2010.
- Katja M. Taute, Francesco Pampaloni, Erwin Frey, Ernst-Ludwig Florin. “Microtubule dynamics depart from the wormlike chain model”. Physical Review Letters 100:028101, 2008. pdf
- E.C. Wylie, P.L. Cottrell, and K.M. Taute. “Heavy element abundances in AGB stars. I. The Hyades giants”. Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana 75:578-584, 2004.
Pursuing Dr. rer. nat in Physics
University of Leipzig, Germany, 2007-present.
Physiology Course
Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, 2008.
Master of Science with Distinction in Physics
University of Leipzig, Germany, 2007.
Postgraduate Diploma with Distinction in Physics
University of Canterbury, New Zealand, 2005.
Daimler Benz Foundation PhD fellowship, 2007-2009.
The Bruce and Betty Alberts Endowed Scholarship in Physiology, 2008.
The Mountain Memorial Scholarship, 2008.
German National Academic Foundation fellowship, 2004-2006.
DAAD fellowship for astrophysical studies at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand, 2004.