Cracks and Buckling

Author :M. Marder
Publication :International Journal of Fracture
Volume :130
Pages :517-55
Year :2004
Author :E. Sharon, M. Marder, and H. L. Swinney
Publication :American Scientist
Volume :92
Pages :254-261
Year :2004
Author :M. Marder, E. Sharon, S. Smith and B. Roman
Publication :Europhys. Lett.
Volume :62
Number :4
Pages :498-504
Year :2003
Author :R. Deegan, S. Chheda, L. Patel, M. Marder, H. L. Swiney, J. Kim, and A. de Lozanne
Publication :Physical Review E
Volume :67
Number :066209
Pages :1-7
Year :2003
Author :M. Marder
Publication :Foundations of Physics
Volume :33
Pages :1743-68
Year :2003
Author :R. Deegan, P. Petersan, M. Marder, and H. L. Swinney
Publication :Phys. Rev. Lett.
Volume :88
Number :014304
Pages :1-4
Year :2002
Author :E. Sharon, B. Roman, M. Marder, G-S. Shin, and H. L. Swinney
Publication :Nature
Volume :419
Pages :579
Year :2002
Author :E. Gerde and M. Marder
Publication :Nature
Volume :413
Pages :285-288
Year :2001
Note :See News and Views comment by D. Kessler,Nature 413, 260-261 (2001).
Author :M. Marder
Publication :Computing in Science and Engineering
Volume :1
Pages :48-55
Year :1999
Author :D. Holland and M. Marder
Publication :Adv. Mater.
Volume :11
Pages :793-806
Year :1999

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