Geophysical Flow

Author :M. S. Paoletti, Matthew Drake, and Harry L. Swinney
Publication :Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans
Publisher :AGU Publications
Volume :119
Pages :1943-1956
Year :2014
DOI : 10.1002/2013JC009469
Author :Frank M. Lee, M. S. Paoletti, Harry L. Swinney, and P. J. Morrison
Publication :Physics of Fluids
Publisher :AIP Publishing
Volume :26
Pages :046606
Year :2014
DOI: :
Author :Likun Zhang and Harry L. Swinney
Publication :Physical Review Letters
Publisher :APS
Volume :112
Pages :104502
Year :2014
Author :Amadeus Dettner, Harry L. Swinney, and M. S. Paoletti
Publication :Physics of Fluids
Publisher :AIP Publishing
Volume :25
Number :11
Pages :1-15
Year :2013
DOI : 10.1063/1.4826984
Author :Benjamin King, Mark Stone, H. P. Zhang, Theo Gerkema, M. Marder, Robert B. Scott, and Harry L. Swinney
Publication :Journal of Geophysical Resarch - Oceans
Volume :117
Number :C04008
Pages :15
Year :2012
Note :doi:10.1029/2011JC007681
Author :M. S. Paoletti, Harry L. Swinney
Publication :Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Volume :706
Pages :571-583
Year :2012
Note :DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2012.284, arXiv:1202.5290v2
Author :Bruce Rodenborn, D. Kiefer, H.P. Zhang, and Harry L. Swinney
Publication :Physics of Fluids
Volume :23
Number :026601
Year :2011
Author :King, B., H. P. Zhang, and H. L. Swinney
Publication :Geophys. Res. Lett.
Volume :37
Number :L14606
Year :2010
Author :I.-I. Lin, C.-H. Chen, I.-F. Pun, W. T. Liu, and C.-C Wu.
Volume :36
Pages :L03817
Year :2009
DOI: : 10.1029/2008GL03581

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