
Author :T.C. Li, H. Kelar, D. Medellin, and M.G. Raizen
Publication :Optics Express
Volume :16
Pages :5465
Year :2008
Author :E. Narevicius, A. Libson, C. Parthey, I. Chavez, J. Narevicius, U. Even, and M.G. Raizen
Publication :Phys. Rev. A
Volume :77
Pages :051401
Year :2008
Author :Ren´e Stock, Nathan S. Babcock, Mark G. Raizen and Barry C. Sanders
Publication :SPIE
Volume :6710
Number :67100W
Year :2008
Author :Suliana Manley and Vernita D. Gordon
Publication :Current Protocols in Cell Biology
Publisher :John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Pages :24.3.1-24.3.13
Year :2008
Author :Lihua Yang, Vernita D. Gordon, Dallas R. Trinkle, Nathan W. Schmidt, Matthew A. Davis, Clarabelle DeVries, Abhigyan Som, John E. Cronan, Jr., Gregory N. Tew, and Gerard C. L. Wong
Publication :PNAS
Publisher :The National Academy of Sciences of the USA
Volume :105
Number :52
Pages :20595-20600
Year :2008
Author :V. D. Gordon, M. Deserno, C. M. J. Andrew, S. U. Egelhaaf, and W. C. K. Poon
Publication :EPLA
Volume :84
Number :48003
Pages :1-6
Year :2008
Author :Abhijit Mishra, Vernita D. Gordon, Lihua Yang, Robert Coridan, and Gerard C. L. Wong
Publication :Angewandte Chemie
Publisher :Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co.
Volume :47
Pages :2986-2989
Year :2008
Author :Martin B. Forstner, Douglas S. Martin, Florian Rückerl, Josef A. Kas, and Carsten Selle
Publication :Physical Review E
Publisher :The American Physical Society
Volume :77
Pages :051906
Year :2008
Author :Robert S. Shaw, Norman Packard, Matthias Schröter, Harry L. Swinney
Publication :PNAS
Volume :104
Pages :9580-9584
Year :2007
Author :M. Marder
Publication :Physical Review E
Volume :75
Pages :066103
Year :2007

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