
Author :Dmitri Y. Petrov, Roop Mallik, George T. Shubeita, Michael Vershinin, Steven P. Gross, and Clare C. Yu
Publication :Biophysical Journal
Volume :92
Pages :2953-2963
Year :2007
Author :Joel E. Martinez, Michael D. Vershinin, George T. Shubeita, Steven P. Gross
Publication :Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communication
Volume :353
Pages :835-840
Year :2007
Author :D. Smith, F. Ziebert, D. Humphrey, C. Duggan, M. Steinbeck, W. Zimmermann, and J. Kas
Publication :Biophysical Journal
Volume :93
Pages :4445-4452
Year :2007
Author :Pampaloni, P., Lattanzi, G., Jonas, A., Surrey, T., Frey, E., and E.-L. Florin
Publication :PNAS
Volume :103 (27)
Pages :10248-10253
Year :2006
Author :K.C. Henderson, H. Kellar, T.C. Li, B. Gutierrez-Medina, and M.G. Raizen.
Publication :Europhys. Lett.
Volume :75
Number :3
Pages :392-398
Year :2006
Author :A.Raushapt, J.G. Muga, and M.G. Raizen.
Publication :J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys.
Volume :39
Number :133
Year :2006
Author :K.C. Henderson, H. Kellar, B.Gutierrez-Medina, T. Li, and M.G. Raizen.
Publication :Phys. Rev. Lett.
Volume :96
Number :150401
Year :2006
Author :F.Pampaloni, G. Lattanzi, A. Jones, T. Surrey, E. Frey, and E.-L. Florin.
Publication :PNAS
Volume :103
Number :10248
Year :2006
Author :Leif Ristroph, Matthew Thrasher, Mark Mineev-Weinstein, Harry L. Swinney
Publication :Phys. Rev. E Rapid Communications
Volume :74
Number :015201(R)
Year :2006
Author :Joachim Mathiesen, Itamar Procaccia, Harry L. Swinney, Matthew Thrasher
Publication :Europhys. Lett.
Volume :76(2)
Pages :257-263
Year :2006
Note : was chosen as an Europhysics Letters <a href="">Editorial Board highlight of 2006.

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