
Author :A Ruschhaupt, J G Muga, and M G Raizen
Publication :Journal of Physics B
Publisher :IOP Publishing Ltd.
Volume :39
Pages :3833-3838
Year :2006
Author :A Libson, M Riedel, G Bronshtein, E Narevicius, U Even, and M G Raizen
Publication :New Journal of Physics
Volume :8
Number :77
Year :2006
Author :Sarah E. Antinone, George T. Shubeita, Kelly E. Coller, Joy I. Lee, Sarah Haverlock-Moyns, Steven P. Gross, and Gregory A. Smith
Publication :Journal of Virology
Publisher :American Society for Microbiology
Volume :80
Number :11
Pages :5494-5498
Year :2006
Author :Lukic, B., S. Jeney, C. Tischer, A. J. Kulik, L. Forro, and E.-L. Florin
Publication :Physics Review Let.
Volume :95
Pages :160601, 1-4
Year :2005
Author :B.Mohring, M. Bienert, F. Haug, G. Morigi, W.P. Schleich, and M.G. Raizen.
Publication :Phys. Rev. A
Volume :71
Year :2005
Note :053601
Author :M.G. Raizen, A.M. Dudarev, Q. Niu, and N. Fisch.
Publication :Phys. Rev. Lett.
Volume :94
Number :053003
Year :2005
Author :Olivier Praud and Harry L. Swinney
Publication :Phys. Rev. E
Volume :72
Number :011406
Pages :1-10
Year :2005
Author :Matthew Thrasher
Publication :MA thesis
Year :2005
Author :Sunghwan Jung and H.L. Swinney
Publication :Phys. Rev. E
Volume :72
Number :026304
Pages :1-7
Year :2005
Author :C. Beck, E. G. D. Cohen, and H. L. Swinney
Publication :Phys. Rev. E
Volume :72
Pages :056133, 1-8
Year :2005

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