
Author :M. C. Fischer, K. W. Madison, Qian Niu, and M. G. Raizen
Publication :Phys. Rev. A
Volume :58
Pages :R2648
Year :1998
Author :K. W. Madison,M. C. Fischer, R. B. Diener, Qian Niu, and M. G. Raizen
Publication :Phys. Rev. Lett.
Volume :81
Pages :5093
Year :1998
Author :R. C?t?, B. Segev, and M. G. Raizen
Publication :Phys. Rev. A
Volume :58
Pages :3999
Year :1998
Author :M. G. Raizen, J. Koga, B. Sundaram, Y. Kishimoto, H. Takuma, and T. Tajima
Publication :Phys. Rev. A
Volume :58
Pages :4757
Year :1998
Author :M. Marder
Publication :Nature
Volume :391
Pages :637-638
Year :1998
Author :D. Brydon, J. Pearson, and M. Marder
Publication :J. Comp. Phys.
Volume :144
Pages :280-298
Year :1998
Author :C. A. Gottlieb, M. C. McCarthy, V. D. Gordon, J. M. Chakan, A. J. Apponi, and P. Thaddeus
Publication :The Astrophysical Journal
Publisher :The American Astronomical Society
Volume :509
Pages :L141'L144
Year :1998
Author :Y. Z. Wu, H. F. Ding, C. Jing, D. Wu, G. L. Liu, V. Gordon, G. S. Dong, X. F. Jin, S. Zhu and K. Sun
Publication :Physical Review B
Publisher :The American Physical Society
Volume :57
Number :19
Pages :11935-11938
Year :1998
Author :Y. Yao, Z. Hargitai, M. Albert, R. G. Albridge, A. V. Barnes, J. M. Gilligan, B. Pratt Ferguson, G. Lüpke, V. D. Gordon, N. H. Tolk, J. C. Tully, G. Betz and W. Husinsky
Publication :Physical Review Letters
Publisher :The American Physical Society
Volume :81
Number :3
Pages :550-553
Year :1998
Author :W. M. Itano, J. C. Bergquist, J. J. Bollinger, D. J. Wineland, U. Eichmann, and M. G. Raizen
Publication :Physical Review A
Volume :57
Number :6
Pages :4176-4187
Year :1998

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