Adhesion is a complex and intrinsically nonlinear phenomenon determined by a wide range of parameters. In our studies we find new ways to probe adhesion in a noninvasive manner which leaves the adhering particles at or close to their equilibrium environment. Typical pull-off techniques are not well-suited for such studies due to their non-equilibrium nature. The aims of such research include accurate surface characterization, mechanical stability testing and specific and non-specific interaction studies.
Jonas, A., M. Kochanczyk, A.D. Ramirez, M. Speidel, and E.-L. Florin, 2019, Mechanical contact spectroscopy: characterizing nanoscale adhesive contacts via thermal forces, Langmuir, 35 (17), 5809-5820. DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.8b04074