
Author :Thomas R. Mazur, Bruce Klappauf and Mark G. Raizen
Publication :Nature Physics
Publisher :Nature Publishing Group
Year :2014
Author :Tongcang Li and Mark G. Raizen
Publisher :Ann. Phys. (Berlin)
Year :2013
Author :J. Duplat, S. Kheifets, T. Li, M. Raizen, and E. Villermaux
Publisher :Physical Review E
Volume :87
Number :2
Pages :020105
Year :2013
Note :DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.87.020105
Author :Marder
Publication :CBE'Life Sciences Education
Volume :12
Pages :148-150
Year :2013
Author :Moura and Marder
Publication :Physical Review E
Year :2013
Author :James E Lawler and Mark G Raizen
Publication :Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
Publisher :IOP Publishing
Volume :46
Number :41
Year :2013
Author :Mark G. Raizen, Dmitry Budker, Simon Rochester, Julia Narevicius, and Edward Narevicius
Publisher :arXiv
Volume :1309
Number :5733
Year :2013
Author :Benjamin J. Cooley , Travis W. Thatcher , Sara M. Hashmi , Guillaume L'Her , Henry H. Le , Daniel A. Hurwitz , Daniele Provenzano , Ahmed Touhami and Vernita D. Gordon
Publisher :RSC Publishing
Year :2013
Author :M. G. Raizen and B. Klappauf
Publisher :IOP Science
Year :2012
Author :K. Viering, D. Medellin, J. Mo, and M.G. Raizen
Publisher :Optical Society of America
Volume :20
Number :23
Pages :25590-25595
Year :2012

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