
Author :E. Narevicius and M. G. Raizen
Publisher :Chemical Reviews
Volume :112
Pages :4879-4889
Year :2012
Author :Mark G. Raizen
Publication :Scientific American
Volume :304
Pages :54-59
Year :2011
Author :Rongxin Huang, Isaac Chavez, Katja M. Taute, Branimir Lukic, Sylvia Jeney, Mark G. Raizen, and Ernst-Ludwig Florin
Publication :Nature Physics
Publisher :Macmillan Publishers Limited
Pages :1-5
Year :2011
Author :Tongcang Li, Simon Kheifets and Mark G. Raizen
Publication :Nature Physics
Volume :7
Pages :527-530
Year :2011
Author :Taute KM, Pampaloni F, and Florin EL.
Publication :Methods in Cell Biology
Volume :45
Pages :601-615
Year :2010
Author :M. Jerkins, I. Chavez, U. Even, and M. G. Raizen
Publication :Physical Review A
Volume :82
Number :033414
Year :2010
Author :Benjamin King, H. P. Zhang, and Harry L. Swinney
Publication :Physics of Fluids
Volume :21
Pages :116601
Year :2009
Author :Shou-PuWan, Mark G Raizen and Qian Niu
Publication :Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics
Volume :42
Number :195506
Year :2009
Author :S Travis Bannerman, Gabriel N Price, Kirsten Viering and Mark G Raizen
Publication :New Journal of Physics
Volume :11
Number :063044
Year :2009
Author :Edvardas Narevicius, S Travis Bannerman and Mark G Raizen
Publication :New Journal of Physics
Volume :11
Number :055046
Year :2009

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