
Author :T. P. Meyrath, F. Schreck, J. L. Hanssen, C.-S. Chuu, and M. G. Raizen
Publication :Optics Express
Volume :13
Pages :2843
Year :2005
Author :Paul A Beales, Vernita D Gordon, Zhijun Zhao, Stefan U Egelhaaf, and Wilson C K Poon
Publication :Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
Publisher :IOP Publishing Ltd
Volume :17
Pages :S3341'S3346
Year :2005
Author :L. J. Kaufman, C. P. Brangwynne, K. E. Kasza, E. Filippidi, V. D. Gordon, T. S. Deisboeck, and D. A. Weitz
Publication :Biophysical Journal
Publisher :Biophysical Society
Volume :89
Pages :635'650
Year :2005
Author :Ming F. Hsu, Michael G. Nikolaides, Anthony D. Dinsmore, Andreas R. Bausch, Vernita D. Gordon, Xi Chen, John W. Hutchinson, and David A. Weitz
Publication :Langmuir
Publisher :American Chemical Society
Volume :21
Pages :2963-2970
Year :2005
Author :Brian C Carter, George T Shubeita, and Steven P Gross
Publication :Physical Biology
Publisher :Institute of Physics Publishing
Volume :2
Pages :60-72
Year :2005
Author :Jochen Guck, Stefan Schinkinger, Bryan Lincoln, Falk Wottawah, Susanne Ebert, Maren Romeyke, Dominik Lenz, Harold M. Erickson, Revathi Ananthakrishnan, Daniel Mitchell, Josef Kas, Sydney Ulvick, and Curt Bilby
Publication :Biophysical Journal
Volume :88
Pages :3689-3698
Year :2005
Author :Anna L. Lin, Bernward A. Mann, Gelsy Torres-Oviedo, Bryan Lincoln, Josef Kas, Harry L. Swinney
Publication :Biophysical Journal
Volume :87
Number :75-80
Year :2004
Author :E. Sharon, M. Marder, and H. L. Swinney
Publication :American Scientist
Volume :92
Pages :254-261
Year :2004
Author :S. Jeney, H. Grubmuller, E. H. K. Stelzer and E.-L. Florin
Publication :ChemPhysChem,
Pages :1150-1158
Year :2004
Author :A. Rohrbach, C. Tischer, D. Neumayer, E.L. Florin, and E. H. K. Stelzer
Publication :Review of Scientific Instrumentation
Volume :75(6)
Pages :2197-2210
Year :2004

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