
Author :K. Berg-Sorensen, E. J. G. Peterman, L. Oddershede, M. Van Kijk, E.-L. Florin,
Publication :Proceeding of the SPIE,
Number :5514
Pages :pp. 419-427
Year :2004
Author :A. L. Lin, A. Hagberg, E. Meron, and H. L. Swinney
Publication :Phys. Rev. E
Volume :69
Number :066217
Pages :1-10
Year :2004
Author :E. Ramos, B. D. Storey, F. Sierra, R. A. Zuniga, and A. Avramenko
Publication :International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
Volume :47
Pages :4929-4938
Year :2004
Author :P. J. Petersan, R. D. Deegan, M. Marder, H. L. Swinney
Publication :Phys. Rev. Lett.
Volume :93
Number :015504
Pages :1-4
Year :2004
Author :M. Marder
Publication :Europhysics Letters
Volume :66
Pages :364-370
Year :2004
Author :M. Marder
Publication :International Journal of Fracture
Volume :130
Pages :517-55
Year :2004
Author :S. Jung, B. D.Storey, J. Aubert, and H.L. Swinney
Publication :Physica D
Volume :193
Number :252-264
Year :2004
Author :Daniel I. Goldman, J. B. Swift, Harry L. Swinney
Publication :Phys. Rev. Lett.
Volume :92
Number :174302
Pages :1-4
Year :2004
Author :Sung Joon Moon, J. B. Swift, and H. L. Swinney
Publication :Phys. Rev. E
Volume :69
Number :31301
Pages :1-6
Year :2004
Author :Sung Joon Moon, J. B. Swift, and H. L. Swinney
Publication :Phys. Rev. E
Volume :69
Number :11301
Pages :1-8
Year :2004

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