
Author :Jamie Gardner, Rodrigo Castillo-Garza, Mark G. Raizen
Publication :The Journal of Chemical Physics
Publisher :AIP Publishing LLC
Pages :139
Year :2013
Note :doi: 10.1063/1.4819897
Author :Roderigo Castillo-Garza, Jamie Gardner, Sagi Zisman, Mark G. Raizen
Publication :American Chemical Society Nano
Publisher :ACS Publications
Volume :7
Number :5
Pages :4378-4383
Year :2013
Note :DOI: 10.1021/nn400896y
Author :Amadeus Dettner, Harry L. Swinney, and M. S. Paoletti
Publication :Physics of Fluids
Publisher :AIP Publishing
Volume :25
Number :11
Pages :1-15
Year :2013
DOI : 10.1063/1.4826984
Author :Chandra D. Carpenter, Benjamin J. Cooley, Brittany D. Needham, Carolyn R. Fisher, M. Stephen Trent, Vernita Gordon, Shelley M. Payne
Publisher :American Society for Microbiology
Pages :1-42
Year :2013
Note :doi:10.1128/IAI.01057-13
Author :Likun Zhang and Philip L. Marston
Publication :Biomedical Optics Express
Publisher :OSA
Volume :4
Number :9
Pages :1610-1617
Year :2013
Note :DOI:10.1364/BOE.4.001610
Author :James E Lawler and Mark G Raizen
Publication :Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
Publisher :IOP Publishing
Volume :46
Number :41
Year :2013
Author :Mark G. Raizen, Dmitry Budker, Simon Rochester, Julia Narevicius, and Edward Narevicius
Publisher :arXiv
Volume :1309
Number :5733
Year :2013
Author :Benjamin King, Mark Stone, H. P. Zhang, Theo Gerkema, M. Marder, Robert B. Scott, and Harry L. Swinney
Publication :Journal of Geophysical Resarch - Oceans
Volume :117
Number :C04008
Pages :15
Year :2012
Note :doi:10.1029/2011JC007681
Author :Song-Chuan Zhao, Stacy Sidle, Harry L. Swinney and Matthias Schröter
Publication :EPL
Volume :97
Number :34004
Year :2012
Author :M. S. Paoletti, Harry L. Swinney
Publication :Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Volume :706
Pages :571-583
Year :2012
Note :DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2012.284, arXiv:1202.5290v2

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