
Author :Mark G. Raizen
Publication :Science
Volume :324
Number :5933
Pages :1403 - 1406
Year :2009
Author :M. Pons, A. del Campo, J. G. Muga, and M. G. Raizen
Publication :Phys Review A
Volume :79
Number :033629
Year :2009
Author :S Travis Bannerman, Gabriel N Price, Kirsten Viering and Mark G Raizen
Publication :New Journal of Physics
Volume :11
Number :063044
Year :2009
Author :Edvardas Narevicius, S Travis Bannerman and Mark G Raizen
Publication :New Journal of Physics
Volume :11
Number :055046
Year :2009
Author :I.-I. Lin, C.-H. Chen, I.-F. Pun, W. T. Liu, and C.-C Wu.
Volume :36
Pages :L03817
Year :2009
DOI: : 10.1029/2008GL03581
Author :K.M. Taute, F. Pampaloni, E. Frey and E.-L. Florin
Publication :Physical Review Letters
Volume :100
Pages :028102
Year :2008
Author :Pampaloni, F. and E.-L. Florin
Publication :Trends in Biotechnology
Volume :26
Number :(6)
Pages :302-310
Year :2008
Author :Issac Chavez, Rongxin Huang, Kevin Henderson, Ernst-Ludwig Florin, and Mark G. Raizen
Publication : Rev. Sci. Instrum.
Volume :79
Pages :105104
Year :2008
Author :Olga Vites, Ernst-Ludwig Florin, and Reinhard Jahn
Publication :Biophys. J.
Volume :95
Number :(3)
Pages :1295-1302
Year :2008
Author :E. Fill, F. Krausz, and M.G. Raizen.
Publication :New J. Phys.
Volume :10
Number :093015
Year :2008

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