
Author :Florian S. Merkt, Robert D. Deegan, Daniel I. Goldman, Erin C. Rericha, Harry L. Swinney
Publication :Phys. Rev. Lett.
Volume :92
Number :184501
Pages :1-4
Year :2004
Author :S. Hu, D. I. Goldman, D. J. Kouri, D. K. Hoffman, H. L. Swinney, G. H. Gunaratne
Publication :Nonlinearity
Volume :17
Pages :1535-1546
Year :2004
Author :Harry L. Swinney and E.C. Rericha
Editor :edited by F. Mallamace and H. E. Stanley
Publication :The Physics of Complex Systems (New Advances and Perspectives)- The International School of Physics Enrico Fermi, Course CLV
Publisher :(IOS Press (Amsterdam),
Volume :155
Number :173
Pages :pp. 1-34
Year :2004
Author :Massimo Pica Ciamarra, Antonio H. Lara, Andrew T. Lee, Daniel I. Goldman, Inna Vishik, Harry L. Swinney
Publication :Phys. Rev. Lett.
Volume :92
Number :194301
Pages :1-4
Year :2004
Author :J. van Zon, J. Kreft, D. Goldman, D. Miracle, J.B. Swift, H. Swinney
Publication :Phys. Rev. E
Volume :70
Number :R40301
Pages :1-4
Year :2004
Author :Patrick Heil, E.C. Rericha, Daniel I. Goldman, Harry L. Swinney
Publication :Phys. Rev. E
Volume :70
Number :R60301
Pages :1-4
Year :2004
Author :Chuanwei Zhang, Jie Liu, Mark G. Raizen, Qian Niu
Publication :Phys. Rev. Lett.
Volume :92
Pages :054101
Year :2004
Author :Chuanwei Zhang, Jie Liu, Mark G. Raizen, and Qian Niu
Publication :Phys. Rev. Lett.
Volume :93
Pages :074101
Year :2004
Author :Artem M. Dudarev, Roberto B. Diener, Iacopo Carusotto, and Qian Niu
Publication :Physical Review Letters
Volume :92
Pages :153005
Year :2004
Author :Artem M Dudarev, Roberto B Diener and Qian Niu
Publication :J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt.
Volume :6
Pages :S231-S240
Year :2004

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