
Author :Chuanwei Zhang
Publication :Phys. Rev. A
Volume :69
Pages :014304
Year :2004
Author :Chuanwei Zhang
Publication :Quantum Information and Computation
Volume :4
Pages :196
Year :2004
Author :Vernita D. Gordon, Xi Chen, John W. Hutchinson, Andreas R. Bausch, Manuel Marquez, and David A. Weitz
Publication :JACS
Publisher :American Chemical Society
Volume :126
Pages :14117-14122
Year :2004
Author :Ani T. Nikova, Vernita D. Gordon, Galder Cristobal, Maria Ruela Talingting, David C. Bell, Cara Evans, Mathieu Joanicot, Joseph A. Zasadzinski, and David A. Weitz
Publication :Macromolecules
Publisher :American Chemical Society
Volume :37
Pages :2215-2218
Year :2004
Author :R. E. Mahaffy, S. Park, E. Gerde, J. Kas, and C. K. Shih
Publication :Biophysical Journal
Volume :86
Pages :1777'1793
Year :2004
Author :Christian Tischer, Arnd Pralle, and Ernst-Ludwig Florin
Publication :Microscopy and Microanalysis
Publisher :Microscopy Society of America
Volume :10
Pages :425-434
Year :2004
Author :D.A. Lapshin, V.S. Letokhov, G.T. Shubeita, S.K. Sekatskii, G. Dietler
Publication :Ultramicroscopy
Volume :99
Pages :227-233
Year :2004
Author :Lilia A. Chtcheglova, George T. Shubeita, Sergey K. Sekatskii, and Giovanni Dietler
Publication :Biophysical Journal
Volume :86
Pages :1177-1184
Year :2004
Author :Carsten Selle, Florian Ruckerl, Douglas S. Martin, Martin B. Forstner and Josef A. Kas
Publication :Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
Publisher :The Owner Societies
Volume :6
Pages :5535-5542
Year :2004
Author :M. G. Moore, A. Juel, J. M. Burgess, W. D. McCormick, and H. L. Swinney
Editor :edited by In Visarath, L. Kocarev, T. L. Carroll, B. J. Gluckman, S. Boccaletti, and J. Kurths
Publication :Proceedings of the Seventh Experimental Chaos Conference
Publisher :(Springer-Verlag,
Volume :676
Pages :pp. 189-194
Year :2003

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